Help keep our beaches safe! Digging holes can cause harm to both people and wildlife. Never dig a hole deeper than it is wide, and always be sure to fill them in!   Guess who’s back, back again? Yes, it’s us, tell a friend! (No seriously, share this post to help spread awareness about the dangers of digging large holes on the beach.) We cannot stress this enough,  Sand collapses occur in holes just a few feet deep. NEVER dig a hole deeper than it is wide. Children and adults should not dig holes deeper than their knees when standing in them. Why are they dangerous? Did you know that national statistics comparing sand hole collapses to shark attacks confirms that! No one goes to the beach expecting to…

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On the afternoon of Monday, April 8, 2024, the sun will duck behind the moon for a few minutes — a total eclipse of the sun. It is being dubbed the "Great American Eclipse," as it will be visible across almost the entire continent. (Western Canada and Alaska are the lone exceptions.)

Hopefully you have marked your calendar, you have eclipse viewing glasses ready to go, and you have plans to witness this rare cosmic phenomenon.

You do not need to make special plans or review special instructions to see the eclipse. Just go outside and look up. (Again, with proper protection please.)

Having said that, you will find even better options, both in New Jersey and beyond, to make your eclipse viewing even more spectacular and memorable.

In Search of…

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